Monday, July 1, 2024

Sweet Water In San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO - The story of the Popsicle's creation is indeed attributed to Frank Epperson, but it occurred in San Francisco 1905 when he was just 11 years old. Frank mixed a powdered soda mixture with water in a cup and left it with the stirring stick on the porch overnight. The temperature dropped significantly that night, causing the liquid to freeze with the stick in it.

When Epperson discovered the frozen treat the next morning, he realized he had accidentally invented a delightful and refreshing treat on a stick. He initially called it the "Epsicle." Eventually, his children began referring to it as the "Pop's sicle," and the name stuck. In 1923, Epperson patented his invention and began selling it at a fireman's ball. The Popsicle gained popularity over the years and became a well-loved frozen treat enjoyed by people of all ages.

Fun Fact Shared By UNITE Strategies